©Copyright 2023  Tintern Philosophy Circle  

Site Updated 15 January 2024

Tintern Philosophy Circle ~ Philosophy for All

Privacy Policy

Changes to data protection rules came into force on 25 May 2018 in order to protect the individual's right to privacy by tightening up on how data stored on electronic devices. The Tintern Philosophy Circle (TPC) is a small informal organisation, but even so we are expected to notify our members of our data protection policy.

Our aim in this regard is to keep in electronic form a list of our members in order to inform them about forthcoming events and related events or information.

This list comprises only names and email addresses of persons who have given these details to us for this purpose.

The personal data we collect is stored securely by the TPC and is not passed on to any other person on our list, or to any third party.

If you wish to stay on the list you need do nothing.

You may at any time request that your details be removed from the TPC address list by replying to any email from the TPC with simply TPC unsubscribe in the 'Subject' box or at any other time by using the Contact Us form.